Potentiial Unlimited training brings you both real and virtual sessions at your comfort.

Sleep Talk

Sleep Talk is a transformative process empowering parents to cultivate their child’s emotional resilience using the potency of positive affirmations. This technique erects a mental fortress, shielding against negative suggestions and criticism. It’s a precious gift from parents to their child—an easily learned, non-invasive method, requiring just two minutes of your daily routine.

Benefits of Sleep Talk:

Assisting families grappling with diverse issues like tantrums, trauma, stress, shyness, poor eating habits, nightmares, sleep disruptions, aggression, academic challenges, health concerns, focus, selective mutism, stuttering, and more.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Understanding Sleep Talk.
  • Unveiling the significance of Sleep Talk.
  • Insights into mental processes.
  • Learning the when and how of delivering Sleep Talk to children.
  • Hands-on practice during the workshop.
Sleep Talk Hypnosis

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